Pregnancy Labor – Important Things To Remember
Pregnancy Labor
Child birth can be a beautiful time but it can be very painful and confusing, too, especially if it is your first child and you don’t know what you are supposed to do. Before knowing the details of pregnancy, you must know what to look forward to a couple of weeks before going into pregnancy labor. You should study the three phases of pregnancy labor, what procedures you must invest in and what at precautions should be taken so that you can have a healthy baby.
Every single pregnant woman will experience different pregancy labour. It will depend on her body type, how she took care of herself during the pregnancy and how tackled the changes during pre-labor.
During the latent phase [initial labor phase], you may experience irregular bowel movements, painful contractions that may be irregular, chronic lower back pain, trickles of amniotic water [broken water], a brownish mucus may also start to discharge and labor could start before its usual time, overwhelming feelings like being emotional, anxious and impatient may overpower you. Knowing all the signs of the imminent labor is vital for your health and delivery of your child.
Changes in body during pregnancy labor
Can you make sense of the changes in your body and is your pregnancy labor around the corner?
Maybe, yes. But it is always advised to consult your doctors if you feel that something is off or different in your body. There are numerous symptoms that can tell you whether or not you are going into pregnancy labor and some of them even overlap with late pregnancy.
During pregnancy labor, you will surely have mood swings, funny urge to place everything in order at home or anywhere you go.
As the head of your baby will drop a bit down in your pelvis, it will get difficult for you to walk normally or as often as you were before. You might start discharging mucus in heavier quantity and will start to eat more as a result of that.
Things to keep in mind during early pregnancy labor
The first phase of pregnancy labor starts when your cervix dilates by a couple of inches. People will ask you to take something to alleviate the pain but even paracetamol will not help you relieve the pain at that point. At that time, the best option for you will be to indulge yourself in activities that you like and that will take your mind off of the pain.
You must try to remain as relaxed as possible and should not let your mind wander. Coping with contractions may be difficult the initial phase but it will help your body to release oxytocin – it is important for your progress.
Comforting your mind and body is important. You can start by eating [nibbling on energy food] – it will help your body to keep the energy levels high. You can also practice various breathing techniques to keep your mind off the labor pain. It is always advised to drink water with empty stomach in morning.
When is the time for you to book a cab to the delivery center?
The first signs that you should keep an eye on will be the frequency of contractions and increase in pain during those contractions. There is no pattern to the second phase of labor but according to the medical books, you will experience painful contractions every 6-7 minutes and they will last as long as a minute each.
When this starts to happen, you should listen to your body and reach the hospital as soon as possible so that the doctors can take care of you and make sense of everything you have been experiencing throughout the day.
A little while later, you may start to focus on each contraction as it builds up – during this time, it is advised you use your own breathing technique without sticking to any bookish knowledge that you have taken in.
Is it possible for you to have frequent contractions and not be in any phase of pregnancy labor?
Yes, it is possible and those contractions, in medical terms, are known as Braxton Hicks. This is actually a good thing as it will make your cervix go through the changes without it being dilated. Your cervix will slowly start to more towards the vaginal opening and will become a bit shorter, thinner and softer than it usually is.
You may feel cramps in your body during the last few phases of pregnancy and that is the time when your cervix makes progress without any contractions.
Things you may experience 1-4 weeks before pregnancy labor:
- Your baby will drop
- Your cervix may dilate by 4 cm
- You will start to feel tired and your joints will feel a bit loose
- You will feel more cramps in your body [drinking more water will help]
- You will not gain weight, in fact, you will start to lose weight
- You will get endless urge to sleep, no matter what time of the day it is
- Your water will eventually break
Talking about Pregnancy Labour on the first of May becomes even more emotionally charged as this day is celebrated as the Labour Day in India. It pays tribute to all the contributions and achievements of the Indian workers. The celebrations were originated in India as an annual marking of workers and what they have achieved in the industrial sector – the day is the perfect way to mark their hard work.
International worker’s day or Labour Day is a public holiday in India and is also known as Antarrashtriya Shramik Diwas. It was first organized in Chennai [then Madras] by a party called Labour Kisan Party of India in 1923. There were two meetings that were held by the party leader Singaravelu Chettiar. The first one was held at Triplicane and the other one in front of the Madaras High Court.