A Development of Awareness
The distressing picture of men-woman relations in contemporary Muslim societies,which contradicts the teaching of Islam, is a concrete fact that
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The distressing picture of men-woman relations in contemporary Muslim societies,which contradicts the teaching of Islam, is a concrete fact that
Read moreNo one argues about “biological differences,” or about the fact that “equality”should not mean necessarily “similarity.” Some may believe in
Read moreIn a climate of ignoring the divine rules of individual and social rights andobligations, one usually finds small despots beside
Read moreThe Qur’anic verse: “Men shall take care of women with what God has bestowedon the former…” (4:34) does not state
Read moreSince the creation of first man and woman, they were equal in theirresponsibilities. According to the Quran, Eve was as
Read moreSome people may argue that there are interpretations of the Quran and Sunna thatcould be provided to support and opposite
Read moreIslamic law gives women full independent legal personality. She can maintain hermaiden name after marriage, and she can enjoy an
Read moreThe social role of women requires mixing with men. Islam does not permit anydiscrimination between men and women, nor does
Read moreIslam secures women’s rights in education and work. The Prophet respondedpositively and instantly to woman asking him to appoint a
Read mored and His apostle. It is they upon whom God will bestow His grace….”(9:71)The Arabic word “awliya” that is used
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