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The Woman has the right of inheritance:
“And your windows shall have one-quarter of what you leave behind, provided
you have no child; but if you have left a child, then they shall have one eighth of
what you leave behind….”,
“And as for parents (of the deceased) each shall have one sixth of what he leaves
behind, if he has a child…”
“Men shall have a share in what parents and kinsfolk leave behind, and women
shall have a share in what parents and kinsfolk leave behind, whether it be little
or much -a share ordained (by God).” (4:12,11, 7)
Women have been given a half of the share of a man who stands at the same level
of kinship to the deceased, on the grounds that there is always a man who is held
legally responsible for sustaining the women according to Shari’a, be he a father, a
brother, a husband or a son. However, there is a place for giving a woman an
additional share through a donation during the legator’s life, or through a special
legal will “wasiyya”, bequest that would be effective after his death and excluded
with any debts from the legacy of the deceased before its distribution. (4:11-12)
In this way, the Islamic law secures an unmatched level of justice for a woman in
the family, be she a daughter, a fiancée, a wife, a mother or a widow. What is
decided by Shari’a from women stands beyond the achievements of state laws in
several countries, and the unique merit of Shari’a is to build the legal rules on the
religious faith and morality. Muslims are always persuaded to offer voluntarily out
of their religious concerns more than the basic rights that are determined by the
legal provisions:
“And to forgo what is due to you is more in accord with God-consciousness. And
forget not (that you are to act with) grace toward one another: Verily, God sees
all that you do.” (2:237)

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