How to Start a Sober Living Home Business

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If you are looking towards starting a sober living home facility business, you would have to start from the very scratch because you can hardly get a franchise of a sober living home facility business to buy. Besides starting a sober living home facility business from the scratch is less stressful when compared to other similar businesses. This growth is expected to improve, driven by an improving economic environment and the continued addictions to drugs, alcohol and other substances, which will expand the industry’s markets. As long as your sober living home doesn’t violate zoning ordinances and other local regulations — the same ones that apply to all residential housing — then you are good to go. Somerset also has seen movement around restricting sober living homes in residential areas.

Often their lodging is free, and so are their meals, but this does not negate the need to pay them. By adhering to legal requirements, securing funding, and focusing on providing quality care, you can establish a facility that significantly impacts your community’s well-being. The long-term financial viability of a sober Is There a Connection Between Narcissism and Alcoholism? living home often improves with time as the facility gains reputation and credibility. Word-of-mouth referrals and partnerships with healthcare providers can significantly boost occupancy rates and, by extension, revenue. While revenue potential is significant, sober living homes also have operational costs to consider.

The Florida Association of Recovery Residences (FARR) is Your Go-To Resource for Getting Your Sober Living Home Certified

Due to these complexities, the initial investment and operational costs for a rehabilitation center are significantly higher than those for a sober living home. When promoting your sober living house, be clear and straightforward in your messaging. Clear marketing messaging will help you attract the ideal target audience as applicants for your sober living investment. Remember that drug and alcohol addiction can affect people from any walk of life, gender, or age.

These procedures are in place for the residents as well as any administrative staff who work at these recovery residences. Again, starting a sober living home comes with its requirements in this regard, and has a different set of real estate needs than starting an addiction treatment facility itself. Before moving forward with the actual opening of sober living homes, prospective owners must go through a significant research and planning phase. This means not only creating an outline for establishing the daily routine and modus operandi but also becoming intimately acquainted with zoning laws and local regulations for opening sober living homes.

Marketing Plan

This first-hand experience provides an incredible feeling of accomplishment for owners and operators. Hiring a great house manager can help your sober living home run smoothly and proactively prevent conflict. Often, house managers are offered free lodging and meals as part of the job benefits. Additionally, you can partner with local businesses and community groups to raise funds.

  • Developing a solid business plan is critical for the success of your sober living home.
  • If you live in a sober living home, you may have your own room or have a roommate, depending on the size of the home and the number of people the house takes in at any time.
  • By following this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to start your own sober living home, offering a vital resource to those on the road to recovery.

This may include a residential care facility license, a business license, and a permit to operate as a sober living home. It can also be helpful to get accredited by your state sober living accreditor through NARR or NSLA. During the first phase of development, Ascension will conduct a feasibility study to determine the best location, business model, referral sources and support services for the proposed sober living facility.

Read the Recovery Housing in Kentucky Study and Apply its Findings to Your Business Plan

You should research the local rental market to determine a fair price for your location. Keep in mind that the rent should cover your expenses while still being affordable for your residents. One of the first things to consider when starting a sober living home is the fees you will charge your residents.

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