10 Awesome Facts About Jackie Chan

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Jackie Chan, sixty, claims that Chinese Zodiac will be his final film in which he pulls off his own daring exploits. The kung-fu clown, after half a century and over 100 movies, is starting to slow down. This is a summary of his career.

10 A Tough Childhood

Jackie’s parents resemble characters from one of his films. Jackie’s father, Charles, worked as a spy for the Chinese Nationalist government prior to World War II. Mom, Lee-Lee, performed on stage and made a side living off of selling opium. Charles arrested Lee-Lee as part of his spying responsibilities and later wed her. She had two kids, and he had two sons from a previous marriage. Charles joined the Chinese mafia in order to provide for his large new family. Charles and Lee-Lee escaped to Hong Kong in 1949, leaving their four children behind after the communists took control of China. Mabel Cheung, Jackie’s biographer, says this was not out of the ordinary. Due to the communist takeover, children were abandoned throughout mainland China. Five years later, Jackie was born and given the name “Chan Kong-sang” translates to “Hong Kong-born.” The British physician who delivered him attempted to buy him from his parents for $26.Jackie was sent to a boarding school in Hong Kong when his parents, seeking employment, left for Australia when he was seven years old. At 5:00 AM and ending at midnight, schools were in session. He received classical training in music and acquired acrobatics, drama, and martial arts in between. Punishment with physical force was the response to any error. He later claimed, “I was beaten every day.” “I was furious,” Academics, including writing and reading, were not taught. Even though Jackie is now fluent in seven languages, he still has trouble reading and writing. Jackie appeared briefly in his debut film, Big and Little Wong Tin Bar, when he was eight years old flowing and more hilarious, if a touch corny.

9 A Perfectionist

In the realm of demanding directors, legendary stories abound. For instance, during the production of “City Lights,” Charlie Chaplin famously orchestrated a staggering 300 retakes of a scene, solely to achieve the perfect angle at which Virginia Cherrill would hold a rose. David Fincher, known for his meticulous approach, is no stranger to multiple takes, with reports suggesting an average of 50 takes per scene, as exemplified in his film “Gone Girl” released in October 2014. However, surpassing them all is Jackie Chan, who holds the record for an astonishing 2,900 takes for a single 10-minute scene in his directorial venture, “Dragon Lord.”

In 1982, when Jackie took the helm as the director of “Dragon Lord,” he decided to revamp the film’s opening with a spectacular sequence featuring himself and numerous stuntmen engaged in the game of jianzi, where players kick a feathered shuttlecock. Originally intended as the movie’s climax, Jackie insisted on starting the film with this dynamic scene. The competition showcased a myriad of acrobatic feats, culminating in a single kick by Jackie. This seemingly straightforward kick, however, demanded hundreds of takes to achieve the precise angle and timing that satisfied Jackie’s exacting standards. Recognizing this extraordinary effort, Guinness World Records bestowed upon Jackie the accolade for the most takes for a single scene.

In an interview, Jackie responded to criticisms about his deliberate pace, stating, “People say Jackie Chan is slow. I’ll film the movement until it’s the way I like it. That way, I know my fans will like it.” The linked video trailer for the movie provides a glimpse of this remarkable scene, particularly at the three-minute mark.

8 Jackie’s Best Fight Scene

Martial arts enthusiasts often reminisce about their favorite movie fight scenes, with iconic duels such as Bruce Lee versus Chuck Norris in “Return of the Dragon,” Jet Li facing off against Billy Chow in “Fist of Legend,” and the mesmerizing confrontation between Jen Yu and Yu Shu Lien in “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.” However, one particular fight scene consistently earns a spot on nearly everyone’s list of the greatest ever filmed: the final showdown in the 1984 film “Wheels on Meals” between Jackie Chan and Benny “The Jet” Urquidez.

Jackie Chan, renowned for his acrobatic and unconventional fighting style, surprised fans when he took on Benny “The Jet” Urquidez, the undefeated kickboxing world champion. Urquidez, the first American to win a karate championship in Japan against a Japanese opponent, had a substantial following in both America and Asia. During the filming of the intense fight scene, Urquidez inadvertently landed a punch on Chan, who retaliated with a few blows of his own. This unexpected exchange led to Jackie playfully taunting Urquidez about having a real exhibition bout.

Amidst the tension, Urquidez, a seasoned professional, cautioned Jackie that such an exhibition could result in genuine injury. The atmosphere became charged with anticipation, as the actors and crew started placing bets on whether tempers would escalate into a real fight. Despite the intensity, the rivalry between Jackie and Urquidez was short-lived, and they eventually developed a friendship. In a surprising turn of events, Urquidez returned to face Jackie once again in the 1988 film “Dragons Forever,” though the much-discussed exhibition bout never came to fruition.

It’s worth noting that Benny “The Jet” Urquidez earned his nickname not from the popular Elton John song “Bennie and the Jets,” as some may claim, but rather from his lethal spinning back kick. An interesting anecdote from the filming of “Wheels on Meals” involved a gag meant to showcase Urquidez’s signature move. Exhausted from the shoot, Urquidez struggled to blow out the candles as planned. The crew improvised by placing someone out of frame with a piece of cardboard, assisting Urquidez in extinguishing the remaining candles during the spinning heel kick scene.

7 The Stunt That Nearly Killed Him

In 1986’s Armor of God, Jackie Chan was filming a fairly straightforward stunt when he almost passed away. He was jet lagged on the day of the shoot in Yugoslavia. Still, he executed the stunt flawlessly—jumping from a wall to a tree branch. He wanted to retake the shot because he didn’t like it. He missed the branch on his second attempt, falling 40 feet (12 meters) to the rocks below.Jackie suffered a skull fracture, and a piece of bone pierced his brain, causing it to bleed out of his ears. His life was saved by emergency surgery. His right ear is partially deaf, and a plastic plate continues to be inserted to block a hole in his skull.

6 Bruce Lee Screamed, Jackie Crooned

Famous for his falsetto shriek, which he usually let out right before sending someone spinning across the room, is Bruce Lee. His girlish shriek became cool. Jackie much enjoys more realistic sounds, like yelps and gasps of agony. And he enjoys singing toward the conclusion of the movie, rather than during the combat.Jackie was taught how to sing in boarding school, as was previously mentioned. He has created almost 20 albums with his compositions on them since 1984. He started singing the theme music for his Chinese-produced films over the end credits in 1980 with his film Young Master. Jackie sang “I’ll Make a Man Out of You” for the Mandarin, Cantonese, and Mainland Chinese dubbings of the movie Mulan, which Disney eventually persuaded China to release.

5 Destructible But Stubborn

Throughout the years, Jackie has experienced a myriad of injuries. His nose has been broken thrice, and his hands have suffered numerous injuries. The count of knee injuries has become a blur, and his running style has been so adversely affected that he rarely performs his own sprints in films. Both shoulders, pelvis, and sternum have been dislocated, and his thighs endured being crushed between two vehicles. Even during the filming of “Rumble in the Bronx,” he fractured his ankle. Undeterred, he creatively covered his cast with a sock, painted it to resemble a sneaker, and continued shooting.

Inspired by the comedic athleticism of Buster Keaton and Harold Lloyd, Jackie has paid homage to their iconic stunts. In “Project A,” he aimed to recreate Lloyd’s renowned clock tower stunt from the 1923 film “Safety Last.” However, unlike Lloyd, who used stunt doubles due to having only eight fingers, Jackie hung 18 meters (60 ft) above the ground with only two cloth awnings below. Despite his initial apprehension about voluntarily falling from such a height, he clung to the clock face until his hands gave way. Unfortunately, his persistence resulted in dissatisfaction with the shot, prompting him to repeat the stunt, only to break his nose and injure his neck in the process.

4 Not A Fan Of Hollywood

In the early 1980s, Jackie Chan attempted to make a mark in the American film industry with movies like “The Big Brawl” and later “The Protector,” both of which experienced disappointing box office results. “The Big Brawl,” directed by Robert Clouse, known for his work on Bruce Lee’s “Enter the Dragon,” was particularly surprising as it was filmed in the US. However, language barriers, with Jackie having only a limited command of English, contributed to the film’s challenges. Additionally, clashes with directors Clouse and James Glickenhaus arose due to differences in Jackie’s fighting style. Both directors anticipated an Americanized approach with fists and feet, reminiscent of Bruce Lee, while Jackie had already established his unique style involving props and acrobatics.

It wasn’t until Jackie gained creative control in “Rumble in the Bronx” that American audiences embraced his distinct style. This success was followed by the American-produced films “Rush Hour” in 1998 and “Shanghai Noon” in 2000. Despite the commercial success of “Rush Hour,” Jackie reportedly had reservations about the film and would not have participated in the sequels without a substantial financial incentive.

Jackie openly acknowledges his difficulty understanding American humor, as exemplified by co-stars Chris Tucker and Owen Wilson. Similarly, he expresses a lack of comprehension for Hollywood’s reliance on car chases, technical prowess, and predictable formulas in movies. In a candid statement, Jackie doubts his potential for fame in America, contrasting the situation with Asia, where audiences flock to see Jackie Chan in any Jackie Chan movie, irrespective of the title or storyline. According to him, this phenomenon doesn’t exist in Hollywood, even if collaborating with renowned figures like George Lucas or Steven Spielberg, as exemplified by the reference to “Jurassic Park” where actors’ names are overshadowed by dinosaurs and Spielberg’s directorial identity. In Asia, Jackie asserts that he stands as the unique draw for audiences, emphasizing his unparalleled ability to captivate viewers in a Jackie Chan film.

3 The Stunt That Nearly Paralyzed And Electrocuted Him

In 1985, Jackie Chan’s film “Police Story” deliberately embraced a plain and nondescriptive title, a strategic move by Chan to deter Hong Kong imitators from capitalizing on his upcoming projects. At that time, the Hong Kong film industry had yet to venture into the realm of kung-fu cop films.

The film’s climax unfolded in a shopping mall, serving as the backdrop for an intense fight scene where Jackie seemed to take on every inhabitant of China. The sheer number of characters involved led the crew to humorously rename the film “Glass Story” due to the multitude of store windows shattered during the chaotic confrontations. To enhance realism, the producers opted for sugar glass, a material twice as thick as stunt glass, resulting in numerous injuries among the stunt crew.

One particularly challenging stunt demanded Jackie to slide down a four-story tall pole adorned with Christmas lights to apprehend an escaping villain. Complicating matters, the scene was shot in a real shopping mall slated to reopen the next morning, requiring Jackie to execute the stunt flawlessly in a single take. To add to the risk, the glass Christmas lights were not replaced with safer alternatives, and they remained connected to wall sockets instead of low-voltage car batteries. Additionally, the stunt crew overlooked providing adequate padding at the base of the pole.

As Jackie slid down the pole, his hands suffered second-degree electrical burns and merciless slashes from the lights. Upon landing, he endured fractures to his seventh and eighth thoracic vertebrae and a dislocated pelvis.

2 His Own Stunt Team

In 1978, during the filming of a fight scene in Snake in the Eagle’s Shadow, a stuntman accidentally cut Jackie Chan with a sword that had a sharpened edge instead of a blunted one. This incident led Jackie to develop a preference for working with stunt opponents whom he knew and trusted. Additionally, insurance coverage, particularly in the United States, was not extended to Jackie or his stunt team. In response, Jackie established his own stunt team called “Sing Kar Pan” or “Jackie Chan’s Stuntmen Association.” This group not only pays its members competitive rates but also manages their insurance needs.

Many original members of the team had either crossed paths with Jackie in boarding school or during his early years in the film industry. The stunt team, responsible for choreographing Jackie’s fight scenes, has earned screen credits as Action or Assistant Action Directors in at least 28 of Jackie’s films. During filming, they form a close-knit community, living and training together. Communication among them during fight scenes is often non-verbal, conveyed through grunts and gestures.

1 Two More Guinness World Records

Jackie was given the title of having the most film credits in a single film by Guinness in 2012. He played fifteen different roles in his movie Chinese Zodiac, including theme song vocalist, prop man, gaffer, stunt coordinator, writer, director, lead actor, producer, executive producer, cinematographer, art director, and unit production manager. A record for the most career stunts performed by any active stuntman was also given to him. Nobody appears to have tallied his stunts, not even Guinness, but with over 100 films on his credit and easily a dozen stunts every picture, the total is certainly close to 1,000.

The Eye-Popping 21-Story Slide

When asked about the most terrifying stunt he’s ever performed, Jackie Chan revealed, “Honestly, every stunt terrifies me.” However, there was one particular stunt that sent shivers down his spine, requiring two weeks of courage-building before attempting it.

In the climax of the relatively forgettable film, Who Am I?, Jackie engages in a nerve-wracking fight scene atop the Willemswerf Building in Rotterdam, Holland. The building’s front facade presents a slanted profile extending from the roof to the fourth or fifth floor at a 45-degree angle.

Jackie undertakes the daring feat of sliding down a total of 21 stories. Going beyond a mere seated slide, he adds tumbles, stands up, walks down, and ultimately falls forward to slide head-first. Widely acknowledged as one of the most insane and impressive stunts ever filmed, this scene consistently secures a spot on various lists celebrating extraordinary feats in cinema.

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